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Reach the Customers You're Not Getting, But Should Be

The world is more diverse than ever before. Diversity is not a fad. It’s here to stay and tapping into new market segments means big business. Learn the 7 steps that will help you grow your sales and profits and build loyalty with new customers, today and tomorrow.

Why do you need "How to Market to People Not Like You"?

Diversity marketing is the new norm, and this doesn’t simply mean racial diversity. Diversity comes in many forms: gender, race, age, lifestage, language preference, religion, sexuality, and hobbies or special interests are all ways in which people’s differences are recognized.



* Identify the customer group you're not getting, but should be,  

* Research that group and learn what it needs, 

* Adapt your product, your service or your marketing message to reach a new group in a meaningful way and avoid the mistakes that careless companies make.


You will lean exactly how to cultivate new and diverse customer segments with confidence. Do's and don'ts are covered in detail. Hundreds of real life, world examples - good and bad - are shared so that you better understand how other have done this successfully.

Why do you need "How to Market to People Not Like You"?

The word is out about Kelly's uniquely effective approach to reaching diverse customers. See what other leaders in the industry are saying...

"I've known Kelly for more than two decades and she has always provided strong, sales oriented marketing insights. In our business, we need to build the brand, but we need to generate sales day in and day out, too. Kelly understands this and knows how to target consumers with marketing strategies that work and drive sales."


Mark Barnes, COO, Volkswagen of America

"Kelly was my boss at my first job after graduating from college. She taught me how to put into action marketing priciples I'd learned in school, to generate real results for our clients. Today, I still use the strategies and approaches I learned from her to move Nike's business forward."


- Marc Patrick, North America Brand Director, Athletic Training/Field Sports, Nike

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About How to Market to People Not Like You


If you could grow your business simply marketing to your existing customers, making money would be a cakewalk. But to generate new revenue, you have to win over the customers you’re not getting. Who are these mystery customers? How are they different from your current clientele? Most importantly, how do you forge a bond with them across these differences?

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The #7 Bestselling Business Book of 2011!


"How to Market to People Not Like You"is a 2011 Business Book BestsellerAfter frequent appearances on the monthly list, the book came in at #7 on the 2011 ranking by Inc. magazine and leading business book reseller 800-CEO-READ. The annual rankings are based on total sales numbers, as well as length of time and rank on the monthly list.

Meet Kelly McDonald


Kelly McDonald is president of

McDonald Marketing, named one

of the top ad agencies in the U.S. by

Advertising Age.  Despite her

blond hair and blue eyes, Kelly

is an expert in multicultural marketing and marketing to consumer values.  She has been featured on CNBC, in BusinessWeek, on and on Sirius/XM Radio.

About How to Market to People Not Like You




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“How to Market to People Not Like

You”? Click below to take a peek


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